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羅克珊ROXANNE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



羅克珊ROXANNE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


羅克珊ROXANNE 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I want to compare “Richard Cory” to “I Wondered Lonely As a Cloud”. But, those two poetries are separation. So, I wanted to talk about the difference between them. First thing to say is one of them is complication and the other is simplicity. How to say that? Because “Richard Cory” is talked about a handsome and rich man finally suicided. Although he looks good, and everyone appreciate him, I think he is not happy. His situation is more complicated. However, “I Wondered Lonely As a Cloud” is a poem talked about staying maybe a rural and it is very easy to enjoy the beauty of nature. People lived at rural usually have a simple life but not like Richard Cory lived at a big city having lots of pressure. So, this is the first thing. Moreover, second part I want to prove is loneliness and solitude. The poem “Richard Cory” is very loneliness, because I think he only has material such as power. right. Wealth but he didn’t feel satisfy. Those substances can not full his mind. However, the other poem, “Wondered Lonely As a Cloud” is solitude. Although the character live at rural and don’t have something powerful. But the character enjoy the nature like clouds. trees. Flowers that are all created by nature. Those things are invaluable, and the character can through them getting  happy”. l think it is totally true. It can be proved at “Richard Cory”. The man killed himself at the end because he is not happy. But at “I Wondered Lonely As a Cloud”, the character lives very joyful and he/she looks don’t care about money. nature is everything for the character. satisfied. The last part that I want to talk is wealthy and poor. As a saying goes “people who have money but not


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